Website Requirements Workbook

Contact Information *

Business Specifics

Do you have a Logo?

Do you have a Business Slogan

Website Specifics

Is there an existing website? If yes, please provide the URL

What payment methods would you like to use?

Do you need a CMS (Content Management System) to edit the content of the content pages like (About us, Privacy policy, FAQ etc.?)*

SSL Integration required?*

Do you have any preferences for the platform / technology to be used for the website?

Please specify which of the below mentioned modules / components you would like to see on your home page?

Account Login*

Contact Information*

Banner / Slider*

Content Area*

News and Events Widget*

Site Search*

Request For Information Form*

Blog Feed*

Featured Products*

Video Gallery*

Newsletter Subscription Option*

Shopping Cart Widget*

Social Media Icons*

Twitter Feeds*

Facebook Feeds*

Any External API required?

Scope of Work Agreement
This is to acknowledge that the both parties understand and agree to the scope of work mentioned above to the best of their capabilities and any and all specifications not covered under the scope of work can/may be subject to additional charges.